CS531 02                                                       Assignment 4
Due 12/04/2017

AJAX and Web Services

Develop an application on your club web site using AJAX and Google map Web services. You may find the Google AJAX Search API sample code from http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/tutorial.html.


A few simple applications are listed at http://jliusun.bradley.edu/~jiangbo/googlemap/, which were created using the Google map search wizard. You may also use other tools on the Internet to generate the code for your map.


Note: There are some changes in Google API V3. You can Google and find out the AJAX implementation procedure with Google map APIs in V3.

Homework Hand in Policy:

1. Write a MS word report with the full screen shots that describe your major development process, any problems that you have solved description of the AJAX code, and run results.
 Submit your report and your AJAX source code files via Drop Box on the class Sakai web site before the due day.

2. The instructor may ask you to present your AJAX and Google map Web services in his office.