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Student Sketches of their "Worlds"

Copyright notice:  All sketches of the "worlds" contained herein are the property of the authors.  All rights are reserved.  No part of any sketch may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.  For more information, contact Craig Curtis at Bradley University.

Spring 1998 | Spring 1999 | Fall 2001 Spring 2005

Spring 2005

World Sketch – Earth 2200 by Evan Bonnett

Bottle of Tyme by Sean Cairns

Caelan by Meredith Cler

World – 2-BNL by Christopher Douglas

Untitled by Stephen Freiderichs

Earth 7005 by Crystal Guentzel

Tiesha by Bree Heidenburg

World Sketch of New Curtansia by Lisa Huberman

Political Structure of Planet X7B35
 by Diana Hughes

A Brief Description of America 2034 With Incite to Colin Michaels by Dan Ludois

Sketch of Recounton by Emily Nelms

Planet PWN-D1
by Megan Reh

An Overview of the Future World  by Aaron Reisberg

ZIVISEL by Katherine Sargent

World Sketch of Phasma
by Ryan Self

Description of the City
by Mark Sheehan

Desdina by Nick Smith

World Sketch of New Euro by Craig Curtis

Fall 2001

"The Planet of Aristia" by David Nook

"Untitled" by Bob Musser

"Untitled" by Kenny Albright

"Clepartoop" by Kim Heintz

"Untitled" by Matt Adams

"Earth 2200"  by Chris Sokn

"In an Alternate Universe"  by Graham Burtoft

"Ikrazee" by Katie Parker

"Untitled" by Bryce Callighan

"Untitled" by Marisa Bonomo

"Untitled"  by Val Hebda

"Untitled" by Julie Faas

"Untitled" by Jon Walton

"Greenworld" by Craig Curtis

Spring 1998

"There is no Defense" by Craig Curtis

"Last Man Standing" by David Vaughan

"Plagueworld" by Paul Ford

"Untitled" by Jeff Cavanaugh

"Untitled Exercise in Alternative History" by Jonathan Sweet

"It's the End of the World as We Know It"  by Steven Noto

 "Aristocracy Amplified"  by Tara Banick

"Infinite Alice"  by Cheryl Borrowdale

"The Vicious Cycle"  by Jon Flaskamp

"Whenever Man"  by Derek Campbell

"Untitled"  by Kelly Battley

"As Yet Untitled Sketch"  by Ken Smith

"The Slumber of Dragons"  by Joel Oberdieck

"In Our Own Image"  by Daniel Gerke

"Project Plutarch" by Jeffrey DeLaRosa

"Alien Relations" by Mark Thomason

"The Strange World of C Hall" by Erinn Lineback

"Untitled" by Tom Howard

Spring 1999

"Life in the Provinces" by Craig Curtis

"Untitled" by Nate Conley

"Battling Pandora" by Mark Thomason

"Meg's World"  by Meg Blake